
SovMode workshops are built around collective discussions of historical and contemporary texts. 

For the 2024 workshop, the following materials have been curated: 

Сафаров Г. Колониальная революция.

Георгий Сафаров. Колониальная революция (Опыт Туркестана). [1921]. Reprint: Oxford: The Society for Central Asian Studies, 1985.


Георгий Сафаров. Национальный вопрос и пролетариат. Изд. второе. Москва: Главполитпросвет, 1923.  


Cover Modernization of Soviet Central Asia


Agha Shaukat Ali. Modernization of Soviet Central Asia. An Example of Socialist Construction. Lahore: The Penjab University Press, 1964.    



Cover Kalinovsky


Artemy M. Kalinovsky. Laboratory of Socialist Development: Cold War Politics and Decolonization in Soviet Tajikistan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2018.

  • Ch. 5. Nurek, “A City You Can Write About” (117–143); 
  • Ch. 7. The Countryside Electrified (175–198);
  • Conclusion: A Dream Deferred (244–255).




Cover Iandolo


Alessandro Iandolo. Arrested Development: The Soviet Union in Ghana, Guinea, and Mali. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2022. 

  • Ch. 2. Brave New World: The Soviet Union and the Making of the Third World (39–61);
  • Ch. 3. First Contact (62–91);
  • Ch. 4. The Heart of the Matter (92–146);
  •  Ch. 6. The End of the Affair (197–219).



Cover Salazkina



Masha Salazkina. World Socialist Cinema Alliances, Affinities, and Solidarities in the Global Cold War. Oakland: University of California Press, 2023. 

  • Ch. 6. World Cinema of Socialist Industrial Modernity (176–204);
  • Ch. 8. World Socialist Cinema of Armed Struggle (242–274)




Anna Whittington. A House Divided: Glasnost and the Fate of the Soviet People, 1985–1991 (unpublished work).